Are You Waiting For Something To Move You?

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Are you waiting for something to move you...when you should be moving yourself?

I've been thinking a lot about that lately.

I've been waiting for motivation, purpose, and direction to find me.

But those things can't be found in stillness.

It can only be found in action after a decision has been made.

Notice I didn't say perfect action.


action toward the thing you've decided to move for.

When we rely on our feelings to motivate us into action, we find that we don't feel like doing it most of the time.

So, here are 3 things you can do to move yourself:

  1. Take one imperfect step and don't criticize, analyze or overthink it. Celebrate the win. Congratulate yourself. Do it again tomorrow.

  2. Sit in the action you're avoiding for 5 minutes. Don't want to write that email or work on that project? Set a timer for 5 minutes and work on it until the time is up. You may find yourself working overtime.

  3. Stop re-playing a reel of worst-case scenarios. Your worry may be around not having enough confidence to handle the situation. The only way to have enough confidence is to go through the situation. There's no way around it. Confidence grows from experience.

For You

What have you been sitting still for, hoping that it would find you?

P.S. Whenever you're are a few ways I can help YOU build your business with intention:

  1. Join my simple, but powerful personalized coaching and mentorship program, Write to CEO, that occurs via email, text, audio and sometimes video.

  2. Get a Business Breakthrough Experience designed to identify gaps in your business and create strategies for overcoming them.

  3. In celebration of the relaunch and rebranding of my business to The Focused CEO, LLC, I've decided to gift 1,000 90-minute coaching conversations to those looking to rebuild, redesign and repurpose their business and life after going through life events. Experience a session here.


Coach Shakeena, The Focused CEO LLC

Experience professional. Aspiring pianist. Book nerd. Movie aficionado. I'm on a mission to help extraordinary people lead extraordinary lives. Connect with me on LinkedIn.

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