The One Percent Factor is about making small differences which, over time, will have the greatest impact. Be it in life or in business, you’ll learn principles and strategies that, when implemented, will help you grow your business and design a lifestyle that’s in alignment with who you are and fuels your purpose, passion, and vision.
The One Percent Factor
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60 Days of Realignment and Reimagining: A Transformational Journey for Entrepreneurs
This series is a blueprint for growth. Over the next 60 days, you’ll explore weekly themes that target key areas of entrepreneurial success, including clarity, productivity, mindset, leadership…
Ability To Do Good vs. Wisdom
Sometimes our desire to do good overshadows our ability to be wise. What would you have done differently in this scenario...
Are You Waiting For Something To Move You?
Are you waiting for something to move you...when you should be moving yourself? I've been thinking a lot about that lately…
Coaching Through Email Isn’t Just for Introverts
Coaching through email isn't just for introverts or those burning out from video fatigue in weekly sessions. It can be for those who…
Focus On Your Best
Focus on your best, delegate the rest. Not everything needs to be done by you. Even if you're the only person in your business…
A Walk Through Bourbon Street
It was everywhere.
From the paned bar window to the green leaves crawling up the banister wall to the funky headdress on top of the speckled rooftop…
You Can’t Google Your Success
You can't Google your success story. Sure, you can Google strategies, tactics and tips that have worked for other people. But you can't Google how your story will turn out...
Your Disciplined Self
My friend has the greatest discipline I've ever seen in a person. She's currently on a health and fitness journey. So far, she's lost 20 pounds since she started about 8 months ago…
Make Room for Conversations
You can build all the things, but don't forget to make room for conversations.
Where’s Your Empire?
For a while, it seemed as though everyone I knew was asking the same question…"Where's your empire?"
When I asked them why they thought that way, it was nearly unanimous… It's because they all thought I'd have one by now.
Here's why I didn't.
Lessons From a One-Year Reset
After a year of resting, resetting and reflecting, I've learned a lot of things that have caused me to redefine and redesign how I want to show up every day for myself and those around me. These were some that stood out the most.